Monday, July 21, 2008

Dying to dine

This last semester of Russian classes - I was translating texts into Russian. While the quality of translation was awful - I tried at least to pick interesting subjects - there was the Swiss flying man, the aquarium toilet , strange baby names, and the Harbin Ice Festival (if you're going to invest 2-3 hours of your life translating - the subjects should at least be a fun conversation starter) My fellow classmate caught the the bizarre trend and added her own article about a Restaurant in Germany that had no waiters - but rather your food was delivered to you on an automated system of tracks, like a roller coaster for food.

Well - if I was still in Russian Class - this next article would be what I would bring - here in Ukraine you can dine in a Giant coffin. Flip through the pictures - Maybe they will start catering wakes as well.

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A Return to the Blog

This blog first started after we arrived in Ukraine and set up house on the 14th storey of an apartment on the outskirts of Kiev. Since then...