Saturday, August 23, 2008


We live on the 14th floor. Whenever we tell people this inevitably we get asked if there is an Elevator.
There are two: one small one and one for moving large objects.
Last year, they normally had the freight elevator turned off, except at the busy periods when people were coming home from work. This year, however, it has been working steady.

This summer, coming home from our travels - we greeted the doorman (Jolly - who was very happy to have us back) and then proceeded to the lift. We pushed the button for the floor - the doors closed but nothing happened - that's not unusual so I pushed the button again. The lights went out and we were STUCK in our freight elevator.
After awhile of banging - Jolly came running - but neither he nor we could get the door to budge - so the repair man was called. We did have some light - from our cell phones (which didn't work though they proclaimed "emergency use only" who are you supposed to call when you get stuck in an Elevator?)
More unusual was that after about 15 minutes the lights went on and the door opened - all by itself and without a repairman. We quickly hustled out and crammed ourselves and our suitcases into the smaller lift.
Since then, I've ridden in the freight elevator a couple of times and it seems to be working.


Jeanine said...


Anonymous said...

That is scary. Because of that I am living on the 1st floor! :-)


A Return to the Blog

This blog first started after we arrived in Ukraine and set up house on the 14th storey of an apartment on the outskirts of Kiev. Since then...