Saturday, March 26, 2011

Ethnic food

While sushi is readily available in Ukraine - other ethnic food is oddly absent. There are a few Chinese restaurants - and they have good food - but its expensive and one item that is sadly absent are egg rolls.

So I experimented a few weeks ago when ground pork was on speacial and found it really wasn't too hard to make eggrolls - the most formidable obstacle - the wrappers - was overcome by discovering that lavash works perfectly.
A friend also pointed out that I could make bean sprouts from lentils found in the market and as ginger has suddenly become readily available - we cam make some really tasty Chinese food. The rolls turned out so well, that paired with stirfry and fried rice - we're not sure if we'll be dining out for Chinese in Ukraine ever again.

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A Return to the Blog

This blog first started after we arrived in Ukraine and set up house on the 14th storey of an apartment on the outskirts of Kiev. Since then...