Monday, May 19, 2008

Candy Variations

Just an interesting observance about blue M&Ms.
They didn't make it to Ukraine.
I bought my first bag of M&Ms today and realized that the colors looked, well traditional. The blue eyesore was missing. However, light tan had not been restored to the mix either.
Actually, I don't really have anything against blue M&Ms. I do know people who won't eat various colors - but to me, well tasty chocolate is tasty chocolate and sometimes it just needs to come with a candy coating.
Still, I wonder why Blue M&Ms didn't make it to Ukraine?

You may also be interested to know that Lime Starbursts are replaced by Apple ones in the Ukrainian pack.


Danny and Liese said...

I like the new blog name and header picture. Very nice.

What about the change of grape to black current? It can be very disturbing when you are expecting a grape skittle or starburst and turns out to be black current. And it's not just Ukraine - Europe in general seems to think that the black current flavor is superior to grape.

I must confess though, that I never noticed the absence of blue m&m's. In my haste to eat them I never stopped to consider their color.


Jeanine said...

oh funny!!!

do they eat much dark chocolate ou there?

A Return to the Blog

This blog first started after we arrived in Ukraine and set up house on the 14th storey of an apartment on the outskirts of Kiev. Since then...