Monday, November 12, 2018

A Return to the Blog

This blog first started after we arrived in Ukraine and set up house on the 14th storey of an apartment on the outskirts of Kiev. Since then, we added a cat, two children, moved apartments (up to the 19th floor) and have most lately purchased the title of "Home Owner". The home is a fixer upper - though not in the same category of our infamous mud hut. A friend suggested that I document the remodel adventure and I re-joined that what I really needed was a go-fund me page.  I decided to return to the blog, but have added those annoying ads to see if perhaps the adventures of Ukrainian building codes and interior design in a post soviet country could possibly be monetized. I've kept the blog name and it's history - while originally a pun on where we lived, the name evokes a tale in a long line of adventures.  Like Sheherazade, I will keep telling them until I have no more tales to tell. 

A Return to the Blog

This blog first started after we arrived in Ukraine and set up house on the 14th storey of an apartment on the outskirts of Kiev. Since then...