Friday, February 12, 2010


You might remember my post from December 2008 that described the ignoble process of paying ones bills here in Ukraine.
Well - after a very long shuffle of head honchos within our apartment building, (due to the summer no water fiasco and the revelation that 14 apartments hadn't been paying bills for like 10 years) we have apparently signed on with a larger company that is in charge of tracking payments for utilities and apartment services - AKA Komunalni Service.
At the same time - an online company, Portmone , has been steadily expanding its corporate clients and allowing individuals to pay their bills online.

This month marked the first month where we could pay EVERYTHING - internet, phone, electric, water, and apartment services - online - all for the meager fee of $1.05 for using the service. Well worth it to NOT stand in line for over an hour and having people cut and yell at you or tell you you can't pay because you wrote in the wrong color of ink or didn't do such and such (after standing line for more than an hour).

I was so happy, I literally danced a jig.


Danny and Liese said...


I think I'd dance a jig too if we could pay bills online. I'm almost ready to dance a jig for you.


Sarah said...

You should still check out Portmone - Since you're sill in the kiev oblast - maybe some of the companies work for you too.

Dawn said...

Great! What a time and hassle saver!

A Return to the Blog

This blog first started after we arrived in Ukraine and set up house on the 14th storey of an apartment on the outskirts of Kiev. Since then...