Thursday, October 4, 2012

To Do

It's Fall and time to get the food preservation on to save money (but not time) for the year

Here's (my hope I get it done) list of how I'm preparing for winter:

Canning apple sauce
freeze peppers
Dehydrate beet chips
Dehydrate apple chips
Dehydrate carrot chips (guess who got a dehydrator!)
Make apple chutney
Make mince pie filling
Buy Beef at the Harvest market and make ground beef
Buy potatoes
Buy, blanch, and freeze broccoli and cauliflower
buy tomatoes and make and freeze/can pasta sauce

Finding that my time with the two kids  - even with  lower expectations - is seriously inhibited and that what I can accomplish on my lists is frustratingly meager.

Still - here's hoping.

1 comment:

Margaret, Jeremy, Evelyn & Isaiah said...

wow - good luck with that list. Did you guys get a bigger freezer along with the new apartment? I've got a box of apples that I'm hoping to get made into sauce this weekend. we'll see how it goes!

A Return to the Blog

This blog first started after we arrived in Ukraine and set up house on the 14th storey of an apartment on the outskirts of Kiev. Since then...