Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A new addition

Since spring - well probably at least since the mouse episode, I've been wanting a furry animal. Initially a cat (see mouse) - but then it metamorphosed into a bunny rabbit. I spent hours (okay days) obsessing and searching out bunny information on the internet - how to care for them, the types, etc. I even visited various pet stores to look at bunnies and did a cost/benefit analysis of Rabbit to Cat ownership.

I'm sure I drove Alister insane because every other day I would change my mind - we should get a cat - and then - We should get a bunny. And though I kept my eyes pealed - no homeless kittens appeared on the street so there wasn't a ready excuse. Alister was great, and since a bunny wasn't a dog, was really willing to get either as long as it was okay with the landlord.

After our string of summer adventures - I was in bed sick - a combination of dehydration, exhaustion, and I think food poisoning - but Alister isn't convinced. After laying in bed for 24 hours - I decided a rabbit was just too high maintenance - we were getting a cat (Alister was secretly relieved).

Still no kittens materialized on the streets - but a friend of ours sent us a link to a craigslist type website and we found our cat.

Haggai (pronounced in Sarah colloquial as Haggy-eye (ps - we had picked this name for a future cat ages ago when we were still dating - even then Alister liked to make fun of my (mis)pronunciations) was free, already litter trained, and seems like a good fit for us (playful - but not violent, affectionate - but not needy, independent - but not solitary). In other words - he fits Alister's criteria of being small and cute and mine of being furry and quiet. We are very pleased with our new addition.


becki said...

You tell Alister Devin will be so happy you all are catowners now. And I still say Haggy-eye, even though I guess it should be Ha-ga-ee? What does Alister say?

Sarah said...

Alister says that in Hebrew - Ha-ga-ee would be correct - but in English he would say Hag-eye
Glad I have a Haggy-eye supporter though :-)

Anonymous said...

That is one very cute Kitty

Jeanine said...

aw, cats are the best! plus, bunnies tend to be less friendly and more bite-y

A Return to the Blog

This blog first started after we arrived in Ukraine and set up house on the 14th storey of an apartment on the outskirts of Kiev. Since then...