Friday, February 29, 2008

You say toMAYto I say toMAHto

Well, Alister and I don't pronounce toMAYto the same - but that's the least of our word woes. Weekly we have word wars over pronunciation (and grammar usesage and spelling- but that's another issue). Early on in our dating relationship we ran across some of the words I said erb - he said Herb. I said vinyard. He said vIne-yard. The tip of the comical ice burg was when he said ur-eye-nal instead of ur-in-al. (although on all of these pronunciations the dictionary says that both are correct) Most recently the debate has been over lasso - I say lass-oh, he says Lass-oo. So we make trade off. I am forever to forsake the word erb if he always says vinyard.
However, on the Lasso / Urinal debate we have met a standoff as both sound utterly ridiculous to me and I will not budge an inch - i'm from the "wild west" for goodness sake, where we not only use lassos, but know how to pronounce them. As for urinals, well as they aren't really a subject to come up in conversation, Alister can say it however he wants until he can no longer bear the laughter from the men "queueing" for the toilets.

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A Return to the Blog

This blog first started after we arrived in Ukraine and set up house on the 14th storey of an apartment on the outskirts of Kiev. Since then...