Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Raspberry Goo

But oh what tasty goo it is.

Raspberry season - so I bought up 2 kilos to make jam. We don't really eat jam - in fact I don't particularly like raspberries - but we missed strawberry season since we were in the States and raspberry jam is a nice thing for lots of different recipes.

I didn't have pectin - and though a friend gave me bag from her stock - I wanted to see what I could do without it. i ruled out Freezer jam because, well, my freezer space is precious and I certainly won't put something in it that we aren't very likely to use up in a hurry. I found this recipe on a blog and Alister sent me this Ukrainian version.

I guesstimated to merge the recipes. A food preservation site said the no-pectin jam should reach a temp of 220F - I figured I might have some problems when no matter how long it boiled - it wouldn't go past 210. I decided to take it off and put it in jars anyway. They sealed (Hurrah!) But they didn't jell. Still, I have a lovely, thick syrup that tastes fabulous. Am making biscuits in the morning to give it a thorough taste test.


bloglily said...

Hi Sarah -- I hope this turned out! I love making jam without pectin. It's true that the jam ends up being a bit on the runny side, but it's so bright and delicious, which more than makes up for the consistency. Best, Lily

Danny and Liese said...

Glad to see you're back and in the swing of things.

I'm not sure if this is useful information as you said that you aren't particularly fond of jam and thus probably won't be making any more. But I've had a few successful attempts with something I've found here that is similar to Pectin. It's called квиттин and it's made by Haas. The jam I've made with it has gelled quite firmly. I haven't found this brand in our market this year. I did however find something called конфітюрка. I'm planning on making some apricot jam this weekend. I'll let you know how it worked.

Hope to see you and Alister soon.

Danny and Liese said...

The конфітюрка worked great. The instructions said to boil for 5 min. Worked great. The instructions say to use 2 packets for cherries or raspberries (I guess they put up more of a fight as you have discovered).

Anyway, still looking forward to seeing you.

A Return to the Blog

This blog first started after we arrived in Ukraine and set up house on the 14th storey of an apartment on the outskirts of Kiev. Since then...