Saturday, May 1, 2010


Saphira made her public debut into the world at 12 days old when she attended church with us. This may seem a little late by US standards - I made an appearance at 6days old myself - but in Ukraine Babies in public before a month old (except for the daily 2 hour stroll) is unheard of. The risk of germs etc - is too great. On the one hand, its nice, it is one less thing that the mother needs to worry about - on the other hand - how long do they expect me to sit at home? Another side note, people wondered why I wasn't in the hospital a week before my due date waiting for the bay to arrive. It was enough torture waiting at home for the baby to arrive - what am I going to do in the hospital all that time?? Esp if she had been past her due date?
Anyway - everyone loved seeing the baby - but no one asked to hold her (she is too small and germs etc). Everyone was aghast that she had bare legs (she was very warm in the onesie, dress, sweater, and socks - believe me - her legs were not suffering and there WAS a blanket) and the most common comment was - oh she is so small how many "months" is she? once again demonstrating that it is uncommon for a baby to appear in public earlier than 1 month - 40 days after its birth. One woman - when I responded that she was 12 days - took a GIANT step back from us and said we were very brave.
Saphira took it all very well - slept through the entire service and only proceeded to fuss once we got home. We don't know how we managed to get such a nice, mellow baby- but are very thankful for her.


Jeanine said...

I've been in love with her name ever since I heard it!

Joel said...

Congratulations on Saphira's birth! I'm glad to hear she and you guys are doing well.

Dawn said...

Yay! I'm so glad that we will have each other as we deal with the culture clashes that will be inevitable with young children :). Hope you guys are doing well!

Nicole S. said...

Ah such a cute little family. She looks precious.

Margaret, Jeremy, Evelyn & Isaiah said...

You've got to help them build up their immune system :) But it is probably good not to let a lot of people hold her - unless you have some hand sanitizer with you - until she's a little older. It kind of astounded me after Evelyn was born how total strangers would come up to me in the grocery store and start touching her. You always get comments and compliments, but the uninvited touching is crossing the line!

A Return to the Blog

This blog first started after we arrived in Ukraine and set up house on the 14th storey of an apartment on the outskirts of Kiev. Since then...