Monday, February 21, 2011

The Average Housekeeper

In grade school, my schoolmates and I laughed at the exploits of one mother who "gasp" mopped her floor everyday. We obviously didn't have mothers who aspired to such overzealous and unnecessary behaviour. Granted, she had no infants or toddlers in the house, but now that I have one, I wish I could manage to mop the kitchen floor each day. Even without adding her dropped food to the occasion, the floor is dirty enough that I just have to grin and bear her crawling on it or find that extra minute to mop it.
I finally bought a "real" broom - so that has improved the chances of it getting mopped considerably. Our old broom was a quaint, traditional bundle of twigs. In order to use it without breaking your back though, you had to be a dwarf. It was that or the vacuum. So i bought a new broom. I now manage to mop the floor at least 4 times a week - which may explain why I'm not blogging quite so often now :- )


Dawn said...

Having a child has put me face to face with my housekeeping shortcomings as well. So far, the times he's really eaten dirt or leaves have been right after I vacuumed so I decided it's just impossible to keep up. We have carpet now but are about to move to a place with all tile so I don't know if that will be worse or better.

Jeanine said...

Paul's very small apartment (well, really a tiny narrow studio!) has hardwood floors. which means dustballs a plenty, mostly from wool fluff balls from winter clothes. and hair, especially during my visit! (next month will be my 2nd donation cut for Locks of Love... so its very long right now)

Anyway, he didn't have a broom but he did have a little brush and dustpan... which I must have used nearly daily here and there, trying to corral those little dust bunnies... must try to remember them whenever I move next and think hardwood would be a great idea! (well, less gross than carpet that's hiding who knows what under it, right?)

A Return to the Blog

This blog first started after we arrived in Ukraine and set up house on the 14th storey of an apartment on the outskirts of Kiev. Since then...