Yes, politics does exist beyond the American primaries.
Here in Ukraine - the political situation is, once again, mired in inactivity.
Over simplified recap:
Summer 2007 - Parliment didn't work and new elections were called
September 2007 - New elections - Tymoshenko wins
December 2007 - Yushenko becomes prime minister (notice that it took THREE months for them to finally let her have the primeminister seat after all of the shuffling of seats that took place AFTER the election but that the election was supposed to solve???)
December 2007- A new Parliment is formed
December / January 08 - Parliment ceases to work - the politicians can't get along and so they block the podium, dissalowing a session to be called. Last year this tactic went to far as to even lead to blockages of breaker box and toilets, and a plan to attack the air ducts as well.
After almost (another 50) days of an innactive parliment the biggest questions in the minds of Ukrainians are:
Why do they receive salaries if they never work?
And is this what Democracy is, and if so why do we want it.
If I hadn't Mastered in Peace and Conflict Resolution, I would say that it's time for a good old fashioed peoples rebellion, complete with tar and feathers for the parlimentarians at large. At the very least the politicians should be placed in stocks and paraded through the streets of Ukraine, North, South, East and West to see that there actually ARE problems in the country, bigger than the importance of padding their pocketbook.
Problem:Aids - As more of the Adult Population become infected with Aids (mostly through drug use) the quantity of worker input into the economy declines while money to care and provide for them declines. Not that their is any money to care and provide for those infected with aids (Did you see the post on the hospitals?)
diagnoses in 2006:
13,256Rate per million in 2006:
288.3Total diagnosis recorded at end 2006:
91,057Adult HIV prevalence 2005:
1.4%TB - TB is also becoming more prevelant and in this area of Europe in Particular, the untreatable strain in bumping up. TB again effects the ability of the Adult adult populationGAS - Ukraine relies on Exports for 75% of its oil and gas needs. These come from russia. The disputes in congress not only take attention from the country - but inhibit foriegn relations as no one could ever possibly know who they should be dealing with today. Admittedly, the second gas crisis was looked into quickly - but that might be because the politicians haven't built their own personal oil store housees somewhere yet.
Poverty - 37% of Ukrainians (that's 17,130,949 people out of a country of 46,299,862!!!) live below the poverty line.
Inflation - While current inflation is recorded as 11%, it is reckoned that it could go as high as 27% by year end. This in turn will push more people into poverty.
These are just a few of the general problems facing the nation - but isn't enough for the politicians to see that even if they are just working for themselves - they aren't making a very profitable estate for themselves.
For a Comprehensive look at the achievements and battles facing Ukaine, Go to this paper by the Center of strategic and international studies: