Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Goings on

Lots of busyness this last week- but nothing terribly exciting - Alister has been working on his course and I've been doing Pysanky like mad to make gifts for the the "coming of age" ceremony for the denomination of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Ukraine. The particularization will happen tomorrow in Odessa - we head down tonight on an overnight train - always an experience.

In all I made 5 goose eggs (that was an adventure to find - but really, I think I had a better chance finding goose eggs here than I would have in the states - even if it did take asking multiple Babushkas - eventually i found a pair of Vegetable sellers, sisters, who said that a goose egg lady came every once and a while and they would buy me the eggs and I could stop buy and pick them up from them. Good to their word - they told the Goose lady about me, told her how many eggs i wanted, and even called me up to let me know she was there and I could buy the eggs. Not only did I get goose eggs out of the deal, but now I have a place i trust to fill all my fruit and vegetable needs.)
All in all, I also dyed 12 chicken eggs - of which only about 7 are worth giving out. Alister gets a bit frustrated i think because I make us keep all the ugly ones with mistakes. So much work went into them - I don't want to throw them away - I even tried to salvage a totally smashed one - but finally gave up and sent it to the big waste bin in the sky.
In other news, Alister and I have taken to making up proverbs - Or rather I make them up and Alister either says it can't be a proverb or it can. So far the only one that he likes (though he still can't remember it ) is "Like a lion on the hunt, do not tease a tired wife". Alister is an evening person and I go steadily downhill from 10pm on - just as he is reaching his comic peak. This combination proves highly frustrating for me, and highly entertaining for Alister - Though if he does succeed on getting me to see the ridiculousness of the incident at the time - I end up enjoying it too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think I'll share your proverb with Kolya :) He is also an evening person, I'm not, unless I'm doing something active (which does not include watching a new movie). Maybe one day I'll become a night owl :)

A Return to the Blog

This blog first started after we arrived in Ukraine and set up house on the 14th storey of an apartment on the outskirts of Kiev. Since then...